We have a team to support you and meet your needs. Where your situation requires more specialist support, we can put you in touch with charities and organisations who support you through the difficult circumstances. For more specialised advice regarding debt and finances visit our Financial difficulties page.
National Bereavement Service - offers practical support during bereavement, guiding you through the necessary steps. www.nationalbereavementservice.org 0800 0246 121 |
Age UK - provides information and advice for elderly individuals on topics ranging from health to housing. 0800 169 2081 |
The Trussell Trust - operates foodbanks, offering emergency food and support to people in crisis. 01722 580171 foodbanknetwork@trusselltrust.org |
Samaritans - offers a listening ear for anyone who needs to talk, at any time, about whatever is troubling them. 116 123 jo@samaritans.org |
Macmillan - provides practical, medical, and financial support for those affected by cancer. 0808 808 00 00 |
Mind - offers support and advice for individuals dealing with mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, and more. 0300 123 3393 Send a text to 86463 |
Alzheimer's Society - provides information, support, and advice for those affected by dementia. 0300 222 1122 |
Victim Support - assists people affected by crime or traumatic events, helping them get the support they need. 0808 1689 111 |